What my $1000 Got Me This Week

The EMBA program at DU basically costs $1000 a week.  Here’s what my $1000 got me this week:

Financial Accounting:

I learned that different companies “realize” their revenue at different points in the process – usually whatever is beneficial for their bottom line.  LIFO is Last in First out and FIFO is First in First Out.  Most companies use the LIFO process, but everyone is going to be screwed in 2011 when everyone has to change from GAAP (Generally Accepeted Accounting Practices) to IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) because IFRS doesn’t allow LIFO.

Leadership Intelligence:

One of the authors of Life Entreprenuers, Gregg Vanourek was our guest speaker this week.  The crux of Gregg’s talk was the merging of a person’s core identity with their passion to develop a “Life/Business Integration”.  In other words: Knowing your core values + integrating your passion and your profession = The Good Life.

It’s a pretty simple concept, but those are usually the best ones.  The tough part is to visualize what this means for you and how you activate it.  The problem for me is that it got me thinking that I’ve already got it pretty good, which led to me questioning why I am sitting in a classroom one day a week and taking on all of this outside work for the next 18 months – but I won’t bore you with all of those details again.

Journal Writing, Not Blogging?

We’re getting a lot of encouragement to keep a journal during our EMBA program. A journal?  What’s that? I joke.

I was reading a journal created by some dude in one of the previous “cohorts” (that their fancy word for class) and he gives a few reasons why journaling is better than blogging:

Blogs can get lost in the online sea of bits and bytes.

Yeah, there are new blogs online everyday.  And I guess the shitty ones get lost in the sea, but who cares?

Blogs have a temporary nature to them.

Not for me.  A journal that I’ll want to throw out the next time I move for the sake of getting rid of clutter feels temporary to me.  A blog feels way more permanent to me.  It’s online, for as long as I want it – taking up zero space.

Blogs can be edited and impressions altered.

Yeah, ok.  But a true blogger doesn’t do that.

Blogs can be taken off the web in a moments’ notice, never to be found again.

Yeah, and I can burn a journal in a moment’s notice.  Or worse yet, lose it.

Blogs are a dime a dozen.

Yeah, there are a lot of blogs out there, 99.99% of which don’t mean jack-shit to me.  But the ones that I read are really important to me.  It’s my way of keeping track of what’s important to me, or finding out new technology, keeping up with friends and learning from others.  So the real difference is that journals are good for being private and that’s all well and good – but at this point in time, I like sharing my thoughts with the people who give a rat’s ass.  Maybe my stupid little thoughts will have some kind of affect on them.

There’s a lot of talk about collaboration in class and a journal seems to be the complete opposite approach.  Sounds like “fear of a blogging planet” to me.

And I don’t want to keep a journal because my handwriting sucks.  So there.

I’m Popular and Other Grad Scool Orientation Observations

Guess who was Mr. Popularity at the Daniels School of Business EMBA Orientation this weekend?  Yup, me!  At least I perceived it that way.  Or maybe it’s because I work for a beer company and everyone was just tying to get a free beer hook-up.  That’s fine – I don’t care.  I’ve never been above buying friends, since I was in a fraternity and all.

Orientation was 2.5 days of lectures, campus tours, classrooms, panel discussions, group meals, awkward introductions and an assortment of other mandatory type stuff.  Looked like school, smelled like school. I think it was school.

By all accounts, the next 18 months are going to be a complete roller coaster.  One minute, I was totally energized by learning something new or taking in a good conversation, the next I had internal panic thinking about the scars I’m left with from Freshman Algebra.

Over the weekend, I kept hearing:

  • It’s a lot of hard work
  • You’ll miss it when you’re done
  • Don’t worry about grades – concentrate on learning
  • You must keep a 3.0 or you’re on probation
  • Whoa, what was that? I gotta keep a 3.0?

All in all, it sounds like a fraternity Hell Week that keeps on giving… for 18 months.  Back then they kept telling us that it will be “the best week you’ll never want to do again.”  Not showering for 5 days and public humiliation is one thing, but reading 5 chapters on Assets, Liabilities and Stockholder’s Equity is another story.

Overall, my thought process is this: I’m definitely not the smartest person who has ever entered this program, but I’m not the dumbest either.  I’m just going to find my home in the middle and do my thing.  After all, the guy who finishes last in his Med School class can call himself “Doctor”.

School has Changed, But I Still Look the Same

Quite a cowinkydink happened today.  I went to get my student ID for DU today.  (Even an old geezer like me can still find his way around a foreign campus.)  Then, not more that two hours later, I just happened to come across my original student ID from Southeast Missouri State UNIVERSITAY.

Getting Old and Going Back to School

I know the SEMO photo is a little fuzzy, but isn’t it amazing, how I look exactly the same?  I know!

But school on the other hand, seems to be completely different.

Maybe it’s the shitty college I went to for under-grad – but it seemed like it was student vs. professor back then.  I remember their attitude being (asshole voice) “you better learn this shit or you’re fucked”.  Now it’s more like (nice comforting voice) “hey, we’re in this together. we want you to be comfortable..”

Of course I’ve only been to 1 of 3 days of orientation, so things could change quite a bit when the real classes start.  At that point it could go back to (jerkoff voice): “ok, pop quiz, maggots.  i hope you read all 17 chapters!”